2015: Commemorating Historical Events

ProQuest’sShare ThisBlog provides updates on our K-12 products, announces opportunities for product training, and presents a variety of curriculum ideas for all grade levels. Some of our posts commemorate events that played a major role in shaping U.S. history. As we approach the end of 2015, here is a look at a sampling of those events that we remembered in the past year.

50 Years Since the First Spacewalk

Ed White First American Spacewalker
Ed White First American Spacewalker
Photo credit: NASA on The Commons via photopin (license)

50 Years Ago: Selma to Montgomery and the Right to Vote

Alabama Police Attach Selma-to-Montgomery Marchers, 1965
Alabama Police Attack Selma-to-Montgomery Marchers, 1965
Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

April 19, 1995: Terrorism Hits Home

Oklahoma City Bombing Research Topic via ProQuest eLibrary
Oklahoma City Bombing Research Topic via ProQuest eLibrary

150 Years Ago: The Nation Loses Its President (April 14, 1865)

Lincoln Assassination
Lincoln Assassination Slide, c. 1900 [Public Domain] via Wikimedia Commons

Today in History: The Civil War Ends (April 9, 1865)

李将军阿波马托克斯投降向格兰特将军投降by Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons [Public Domain]

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: 70 Years Since the Atomic Bomb

Hiroshima After the Atomic Bomb
Hiroshima After the Atomic Bomb [Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons]

150 Years Ago: The 13th Amendment Abolishes Slavery

13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
13th Amendment to the U.S. constitution by the National Archives of the United States [Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons]

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